Introducing What Three Words to the Camping and Travel Community

What is What Three Words?

Have you ever been at a loss for words to describe your exact location to a friend? How about when trying to tell precisely where you captured the perfect photo while exploring the woods?

Us too! As avid outdoor explorers and RV campers, we visit so many places that don’t have street addresses. Many don’t have a formal marker.

Yes, GPS coordinates can work. But GPS coordinates look like this

45.857965799005704, -84.60667878951017

What if you could use the following three words “players.postponing.registry”?

Players.postponing.registry from what three words!

Welcome to this revolutionary location-sharing app!

A game-changing new app that will make exploring so much easier to share with your friends and dramatically improve response times of first responders!

Understanding This Innovative Location Tool

What Three Words was created by a British company named What Three Words. In their own words, the team recognized,

See the 10 foot by 10 foot grid on the map? Each square is labeled with 3 unique words that correspond to a GPS coordinate. Saying three words is so much easier than a GPS Coordinate

 “Street addresses aren’t accurate enough to specify precise locations, such as building entrances, and don’t exist for parks and many rural areas.

This makes it hard to find places and prevents people from describing exactly where help is needed in an emergency.” 

The Ingenious Concept Behind the App

The team divided the world, yes, the world, into a 10-foot X 10-foot grid and gave every grid a random three-word name.

What Three Words is like GPS to the next level. When I worked at an industrial fluid recycling company, some oil field workers explained they located the drill site using the exact GPS coordinates. I can punch in an address into Google Maps with the best of them, but I’m lost when an address isn’t available. 

What Three Words fix that problem? I use the three words associated with the location, and I know exactly where I am…anywhere in the world!

Why This App is a Must-Have for Outdoor Enthusiasts

The last thing any of us need is another app to keep up. What Three Words is different, and I think it is an essential app for all outdoor explorers.

Precision in the Wilderness

Share your location with friends or first responders

On my first tent camping trip to Red River Gorge, a tragic accident occurred near our campsite. Late in the evening, my friend Greg and I heard a lot of people having a big party on the ridge line above our campsite. We didn’t think much about it. 

Around 10:30 PM that evening, we heard a loud bang and people going crazy on the ridge line. 

These people were shouting a name!

Their friend FELL 100 feet from this cliff. My friend Greg and I were camped about 75 yards from where this camper fell and lost his life.

As the people on the ridge line were on the phone with emergency responders, Greg and I relayed our location. We described the area the best we could. Eventually, first responders arrived.

With this app, our location description would have been exact!

Precision isn’t limited to the Wilderness

As a parent of teens who need to learn to navigate the world, Sara and I must give our kids the freedom to explore. We want Madeline and Jack to be safe. Using What Three Words, Madeline or Jack can tell us precisely their location inside or outside.

Using traditional GPS, I get the following when I type in the name of a local amusement park, Holiday World.

What Three Words pinpoints your location within 10 feet

With What Three Words I get the following:

What is What Three Words?

Using the app, I know the exact location within 10 square feet!

Want to Share the Perfect Location for a Sunset or Picture

On our summer trip around Lake Michigan, we visited Mackinac Island. Sara and I found a perfect location for a picture. The water is so beautiful and clear it looks like we are in the Caribbean, but we are standing on rocks in Lake Huron. 

I could give the GPS coordinates, but that’s like speaking Greek. 

Instead, if I share the following


Our view in Mackinaw
Our amazing view of Lake Huron and the Mackinaw Bridge.

Simply inputting those words into this handy app, which is FREE, shows fellow explorers the exact location of this picture.

Easy Steps to Utilize This Essential Travel App

Using What Three Words is simple.

Getting Started

What Three Words is available on Apple and Android Devices and through web browsers. 

Apple App Store of What Three Words

Using the App Version of What 3 Words

Open the App Store on your device. Search for What 3 Words and download. It’s FREE!

I did not have to create an account to use the app. But, I wanted to save locations, so I had to create an account.

Watch our video for a quick and easy guide on how to use What Three Words!

Using the Web Browser Version of What 3 Words

I used the web browser version. And I found using the web-based version very easy. 

Navigate to the What Three Words website. Use the magnifying glass to search for specific places of interest.

Sharing the 10X10 square is super easy. Click Share and then select the social media app you want to share. Or send the link via email or SMS text message! 

The website includes a helpful link to get directions through Google Maps, Waze, or other map providers.

Finally, users can save locations; an account is required to save a location.

How to Use the App

Click our link below for a short demonstration of how we use the APP.

Using the APP - Our link to Youtube

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing the App

Creative Ways to Utilize This Three-Word Location System

  • Scavenger Hunts: Organize a scavenger hunt where clues are given in three-word addresses at the campground or in a state park. It’s a new way to Geochace!
  • Memory Mapping: Create a ‘memory map’ using What Three Words. Log your three-word addresses of your favorite travel memories.
  • Travel Challenges: Visit a place based solely on their interesting three-word addresses. It could lead to unexpected adventures and discoveries. Be careful and stay safe!!
  • Educational Games for Kids: Turn travel into an educational experience for children by teaching them geography and navigation using What Three Words. Learning about coordinates and mapping can be fun and interactive.
  • Remote Meetups: Plan meetups in remote or unconventional locations using What Three Words. It’s perfect for travelers looking to escape the crowds and find unique spots.

Embarking on New Adventures with This Revolutionary App

As we wrap up our journey through the innovative world of What Three Words, it’s clear that this app is more than just a tech novelty; it’s a vital tool for adventurers and families alike. Whether navigating the untamed wilderness, coordinating a family outing, or ensuring your teens’ safety, What Three Words offers precision, ease, and peace of mind.

  • Empowering Exploration: This app empowers us to confidently explore, knowing we can pinpoint any location, from the vast expanse of a national park to a specific spot on a bustling city street.
  • Enhancing Safety: In emergencies, like the one we encountered at Red River Gorge, What Three Words can be a lifesaver, providing exact locations to first responders.
  • Fun and Functional: Beyond practicality, it opens up a world of fun with scavenger hunts and memory maps, making every trip an interactive adventure.

We’re excited to integrate What Three Words into our adventures as we continue our travels at Our Campfire Unplugged. 

We encourage you to download the app and start exploring its possibilities. Please share your experiences with us, and let’s redefine how we travel and connect with the world around us.

Remember, adventure is just three words away!

About Us

Mike & Sara began RV camping in 2020 and instantly loved the lifestyle. We found the thrill of exploring new places, breaking our vacation routine, and crossing off all those “one-day” trips a blast! At Our Campfire Unplugged, we enjoy sharing our experiences to help fellow travelers live their best lives. 
Keep up with all of our activities by joining our email list!