How do I Stay In Shape While Camping?

Stay Fit While Camping

I may or may not be OCD about fitness and staying in peak physical shape. That’s a topic of another post…In the meantime, many campers spend time focused on fitness and health when at home. Whether your fitness is level is walking around the block, running marathons, weight training, resistance training, yoga, or something else, going camping doesn’t mean you have to stop your workout.

Over the years, I found that my daily exercise must fit into our family calendar. Gone are the days of me heading on my bike for a 6 hour ride while training for Ironman triathlons! Once our kids arrived, my training and exercise had to start and end early in the morning so I could be an active parent with Sara. To her credit Sara is very supportive of my exercise addiction.

At the campground, I apply a similar mindset to stay fit at the campsite. I get up early to get my exercise in. Generally, I’m up as the sun is rising and outside exercising. My campsite neighbors may think I’m crazy. But, getting my blood pumping first thing starts my day on the right foot.

Benefits of Exercise

Daily exercise provides tremendous health benefits. Rolling out of bed can be tough when the blankets are so warm. But, I know the benefit of moving my body is worth the short term pain.

On our big summer trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota and Yellowstone National Park, I exercised daily. I’m not saying this to brag. Most days getting out of bed was super tough! Initially, I thought getting out of bed would be easy. Afterall, Yellowstone is on Mountain time which is two hours later than my normal Eastern time zone. Score! Or so I hoped. We jammed in tons of activity throughout our days that each night I was asleep by the time my head hit the pillow.

Sign of a great day right!

5 Benefits of Exercise

The great news is that camping activities typically help me stay in shape while camping. According to a Mayo Clinic research article regular exercise provides at least 5 primary benefits:

  • Weight Control
  • Control Health Conditions and Diseases
  • Improves Mood
  • Promotes Better Sleep
  • Social Engagement

Weight Control

Camping is all about the food and drinks we share with friends and family. Burning a few extra calories before indulging is a great feeling. After my exercise is done and dusted, I feel like I “earned it”.

As an added benefit, I’m less inclined to overeat at my meals if I get my exercise in. Rather, I view food as a tool, the fuel, to help me enjoy my activities.

Promotes Better Sleep

Being in nature helps my sleep line up with my natural sleep rhythm. Stepping away from the noise of city life, the quiet solitude of the woods allows me to sleep more deeply.

So no coincidence, I love sleeping while camping. Often times, my sleep feels deeper and more restful when we are camping. On the epic out west adventure of 2023, the environment was so quiet I slept incredibly well. Each morning, my alarm clock was the song birds nested in the trees near our camper. Considering how hard we pushed each day, good sleep was essential to rebuilding my energy levels each night!

Exercising at the Campground

Disclaimer – Before you start this or any exercise routine consult your doctor or trusted medical professional. You know your body and your limitations. Your limitations are different than mine, so listen to your body!

Exercise at the campground can involve some creativity. Just because we don’t have all the fancy gym equipment doesn’t mean we have to stop our exercise routine. We might have to change it up slightly to stay in shape while camping. Here are some different exercise routines I use to stay in shape while camping.


Running is my go to exercise. There is something about the solitude of running along for miles at a time. Just a runner and the sport. My mind often wanders to distant topics or to just a simple meditative state. With my trusty running is an exercise I can do anywhere.

While camping, I run the campground roads. When safe from traffic and other obstacles, I’ll run the roads that lead to the campground. Sometimes, if there are hiking trails nearby and conditions are safe (light, known trail, no bears / tigers / or other dangerous animals), I’ll enjoy a run on the trail.

I enjoy running for both time and distance. Often when we go camping, I focus on time. I like to get back to the campsite before the rest of the family wakes up. That way I’m ready when they are.

Ladder Workouts

No not climbing the ladder on your camper! These workouts involve selecting 5 types of exercises (or a number you choose). For instance you may select: push-ups, air-squats, lunges, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks.

I usually start with 5 to 10 minutes of easy running around the campground to get the blood moving. Then I select a campsite as the starting and ending rung of the ladder. I run from the starting spot to the next campsite driveway and do 10 push-ups and run back to the starting campsite driveway.

The next round I run to campsite 1 and repeat the 10 push-ups and continue to the next campsite driveway and do 20 air-squats. Then I run back to campsite 1’s driveway and repeat the 10 push-ups and then back to the start. I repeat this process until I’ve made it all the way “up the ladder and back down”.

Once I finish the ladder, I will run 5 to 10 minutes to cool down and then go enjoy a cup of coffee.

Time Burst

Time Burst allow me to mix exercise cardio and strength exercise. I use the timer on my watch to help guide the workout. My cardio is typically running, but walking briskly works as well. Every two to three minutes my watch timer goes off and for 30 to 45 seconds I will focus on a strength exercise (push-ups, air-squats, sit-ups, etc.). Typically, I like to do 10 to 15 rounds of cardio and strength. The total exercise time is about 30 to 45 minutes depending the number of rounds you choose.

App Based Workouts

I really enjoy a couple of app based workouts. One is Muscle Booster and the other is Peloton.

Muscle Booster has a small annual charge (I think $50). The app allows the user to select types of exercise routines. For instance, body weight or at the gym with equipment as well as workout timeframe. Then the app builds a workout routine focused on targeted body areas or the entire body.

Using this app allows me to get a full body workout in less than 10 minutes. I like to sandwich this app’s workouts with a 10 to 15 minute run before and after the strength training exercise.

Peloton is not just for cycling! I really like their app. It’s easy to use and has tons of content. I enjoy using their strength training and core exercise routines while camping. These exercise allow me to follow along and feel like I pushed hard at the end of the workout! Peloton also offers a number of stretching routines which I find very beneficial after a long day of hiking!


My family and I really enjoy hiking and walking through the woods. Some trails are easy and others are very strenuous. Either way being in the woods and enjoying nature makes this form of exercise enjoyable and relaxing. Before you go on a hike make sure you are prepared with water, snacks, first aid kit, etc.

Enjoy Nature

Staying in shape while camping is an opportunity to add variety to your exercise routine. Get outside of your comfort zone and try something new. Maybe you only exercise indoors? Here’s your chance to exercise outside. Maybe you only run in a group? Here’s an opportunity to mix in some strength training with your running.

Staying in shape while camping can add a new adventure to your weekend of camping. Next time you’re at the campground wake-up 30 minutes early and get your day started on the right foot!