2024 52 Hike Challenge: Ways to Discover New Hikes

52 Hike Challenge: Start Anytime!

Big crazy, and stupid challenges suck me in like a moth into a bright porch light on a summer night! Learning about the 52 Hike Challenge was my most recent challenge to draw me in. Over the years, my past challenges included half marathons, Ironman triathlons, marathons, trail marathons, ultra marathons, and probably more. 

52 Hikes in one year or less seems like a fun challenge and fits perfectly with our lifestyle of camping, hiking, exploring, and spending time outside. 

Even if going all in on marathons or other stupid things like me isn’t your idea of fun, the 52 Hike Challenge is attainable with some planning and persistence. 

Kicking off a hiking challenge at the beginning of the new year starts the year off great; however, feel free to start the challenge anytime during the year. 

Old Faithful with a rainbow after a summer rain shower. Yellowstone. 52 Hike Challenge
Old Faithful Geyser

Keep reading to learn more about the challenge and the benefits of hiking, spending time in the woods, and achieving big goals!

This guide shares everything you need to know about starting your own 52 Hike Challenge.

Let’s jump in!

TL;DR Quick Guide to the 52 Hike Challenge

  • Explore the beauty of nature
  • Boost physical and mental health
  • Discover new trails and friendships
  • Start anytime, set your own pace
  • Flexible and rewarding adventure
  • Journey of personal growth and well-being
  • Seek out new adventures and favorite hikes
  • Embrace the joy of exploration
  • Happy hiking!

Benefits of Taking the 52 Hike Challenge

Go Hike: Boost Physical Fitness and Mental Health

Spending time outdoors in nature has tremendous health benefits! A 2023 UC Davis study found spending time outdoors provided at least three primary benefits:

  • Improves Thinking, Reasoning, and Mental Abilities
  • Physical Wellness
  • Mental Health
Rockbridge Trailhead - Hiking improves physical fitness. Enjoy time with friends and family on hiking journeys
Rockbridge in Red River Gorge

Spending time in the great outdoors, surrounded by the beauty of nature, helps us break the sensory overload of our modern indoor lives. 

Electronic devices rule our lives, and the constant notifications from email, text, social media, and more require us to be on the alert at all times. Escaping to nature and putting our phones on do not disturb allows us to refresh and recharge for a few moments. 

I find escaping to the woods, the beauty of nature, and discovering new hiking trails gives me the perfect opportunity to disconnect. Cell phone signals are often weak or non-existent, so even if I want to connect, I cannot because the phone is not getting any signal. 

Early in my career, I learned that eating lunch at fast food restaurants and shuffling papers was not the most demanding use of my energy. After a few weeks of this routine, my pants didn’t fit! 


I started running and eating better, and my pants began to fit again. While running isn’t for everyone, starting a challenge like this hiking journey offers nearly everyone the chance to improve their physical fitness!

The UC Davis study references that spending time outdoors reduces cortisol levels, muscle tension, and demands on our cardiovascular system. An added benefit of this hiking journey is spending time outside in the daytime and soaking up Vitamin D from the sun, which helps our bones and immune system. 

I find it super easy to smile when the sun shines on me!

Being in nature helps reduce our anxiety levels! Exercise helps reduce anxiety, and exercising outdoors increases the impact of reduced anxiety! 

Discover New Places and Make New Friends: Explore the Great Outdoors

Humans are naturally curious and getting outside fuels our curiosity while satisfying our desire to discover new places. According to NASA, “Over millennia, human ventures have led to navigating the seas, discovering new lands, conquest of the skies and, now, the exploration of space.”

Antelope Canyon - Discover new trails on your hiking journey. Explore the great outdoors
Antelope Canyon

Discovering new places creates memories that last for years. 

On stressful days I find I’m able to remember some of my favorite hikes, the feeling of accomplishment, and inner peace and it helps me navigate the stressors I’m feeling at the moment.

Can Friendships Survive Via Text Message?

Our always-connected world leads us to believe we are deeply connected with everyone, but are the bonds deeper than a text message thread? A recent ToughtLab article discussed the technology connections we use and how these forms of communication fall short of face-to-face communication. 

A quick internet search of “Hiking Clubs in the United States” reveals over 550 million websites discussing hiking clubs. Hiking offers the opportunity to meet new friends while improving our physical fitness and mental wellness.

Experience the Emotional Benefits

I love the feeling of completing a challenging hike. The endorphin rush provides a huge boost of confidence and that feeling that I can accomplish anything. Plus we can hike close to home and get these feelings. 

Discovering new trails that lead to fabulous waterfalls, scenic overlooks, or peacefully tracing a path through the woods helps give me a more positive outlook on life and an added boost of confidence. In a Light Hiking Gear Article, the author notes that hiking at least once a month can improve our confidence and self-esteem. 

Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio is a beautiful state park. State parks provide all the natural beauty with smaller crowds
Hocking Hills State Park

If hiking once a month provides these benefits, what benefits can we get from hiking once a week or at least 52 times a year? Keep reading for the details on the 52 Hike Challenge!

How to Participate in the 52 Hike Challenge

The 52 Hike Challenge is led by the 52 Hike Challenge organization, which aims to encourage hikers to explore the outdoors consistently, meet new friends, accomplish goals, improve physical fitness and mental well-being, and more! 

Start Your 52 Hike Challenge Anytime!

Joining a challenge like the 52 Hike Challenge can start any time of the year. Naturally, starting in January aligns nicely with New Year’s resolutions. However, the 52 Hike Challenge does not have to be confined to the start of the New Year! 

Explore Badlands National Park - Hiking Journey for families
Badlands NP Notch Trail

Fortunately, the 52 Hike Challenge has a few official rules for participating in the formal program. Their suggested rules include:

  1. Go hiking at least once a week or 52 times during the year
  2. Sign up with the 52 Hike Challenge. FREE options are available as well as programs that offer stickers and patches.
  3. Share with friends and family that you are taking this hiking challenge
  4. Read through the resources from the 52 Hike Challenge team
  5. Get out and HIKE! Yes, you actually need to go hike!
  6. Keep sharing your hikes
  7. Invite friends and family for your finisher hike

Your hikes can be as simple as walking a mile around your neighborhood, visiting a local park to explore a paved or unpaved trail, or hiking in a state or national park. The goal is to be intentional about getting into nature, disconnecting, and improving physical fitness, and boosting mental wellness. 

Finding New Trails

Hiking allows us to see the beauty of nature on our journey into the great outdoors. We use hiking as an opportunity to disconnect from technology; technology makes finding new trails a breeze. 

Discover new trails in Zion National Park. Riverside Walk trail only steps outside the visitor center. Wonderful trail to see wildlife in February.
Riverside Walk in Zion NP

Apps like AllTrails provide nearly endless trails, ranging from easy walks in the woods to challenging multi-day hikes in remote areas! As an AllTrails user, I appreciate the easy user interface and filter options that allow me to select trains that match our ability and interests for the day. We love taking hikes that lead to a waterfall, natural arch, view over a valley and mountains in the distance, or glacier lake

Other resources include talking to park rangers at State or National Parks. Park Rangers are experts on their parks and love to share the best hiking trails. We often find the rangers sharing easy or moderate hikes with exceptional features. After all, the park rangers want visitors to leave feeling like their park is fantastic! We learned about a secret spot to explore the Yellow Mounds at a quick stop at the Badland Visitor Center

Each hike in the 52 Hike Challenge offers new adventures on different trails. Hiking offers opportunities to explore new trails close to our homes, and exploring different trails may lead to the discovery of some new favorite trails! Share these hidden gems with your hiking friends!

Tips for a Successful Hiking Challenge

The saying, the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time, applies to big challenges. Planning is the critical element for long-term success. Once the initial excitement fades, sticking to the plan helps make the process easier. 

Remember, our planning may be spot on, but life happens, so it’s important to remain flexible and give yourself the grace to modify the plan. Just keep going once your plan is modified!

Prepare for the Great Outdoors

Safety first! 

Before heading out to the Great Outdoors and getting lost in the beauty of nature, make sure to plan your hikes. Some important factors include what the trail surfaces, how much elevation, distance, cell phone reception, weather forecast, what dangers could be on the trail, etc.

These pieces of information help you determine the proper gear, footwear, maps, hydration, snacks, etc., to pack.

Downloading a trail map from AllTrails and carrying a hydration pack, snacks, and a basic first aid kit in our day pack helps us feel more confident. We carry these items even on short hikes of 1 to 2 miles.

Mosquito Meter in Congaree National Park
Mosquito Meter

Be aware: AllTrails is an excellent source of trail maps. The app is user-generated, and users can modify the trail. We have not had an issue with maps being wrong, but it can happen, so be mindful and verify before you step into the wild!

Pro Tip: Designate a trusted party. What’s a trusted party? This is someone you tell about your hiking plans BEFORE you go. Include details like the trail name, trailhead location, when you plan to hike, whether you will hike alone or in a group, when you plan to return, etc. Make sure you alert your trusted party when you complete the hike. Give your trusted party permission to contact authorities if you fail to check in by a specific time. 

Keep a Hike Journal

Hiking journals are an excellent way to document and remember your favorite trails. 

A hiking journal is easy to create in a Google Document, Google Sheet, or Canva. The 52 Hike Challenge includes a journal as well. 

Download this simple-to-use Google Sheet I created here

My hiking journal helps my mental health in many ways. One is it offers a way for me to remember my new adventures exploring in the woods while escaping some of life’s stressors for a few moments. These small breaks allow me to feel refreshed. The mental health benefits of hiking last much longer than the hike!

Pro Tip: Hiking Journals allow us to remember our favorite trails and come back to revisit them in person or in our memories. 

My motivation grows as I track my progress toward my goal!

Devil's Tower National Monument
Devil’s Tower National Monument

Celebrate Your Achievements

In your plan, develop fun celebrations along the way. For instance, after ten hikes, plan to enjoy your favorite cup of coffee or an ice cream treat on the way home from your hike. 

Rewards and celebrations help our minds create a feeling of accomplishment. This helps to associate good outcomes with our hard work and dedication! Take time to celebrate the positive changes you are making from the 52 Hike Challenge.

Happy Hiking!

Embrace new adventures and the countless rewards hiking brings your physical and mental health. Let’s hit the trails and discover what nature has to offer.


As we wrap up this guide to the 52 Hike Challenge, it’s clear that this adventure offers more than just a chance to explore the great outdoors. It’s an invitation to transform your physical fitness, connect deeply with the beauty of nature, embark on new adventures, and forge new friendships. Whether you’re tracing different trails close to home or setting off to discover your next favorite hike, every step is a step towards personal growth and the myriad emotional benefits that come with achieving something significant.

This challenge is not just for the seasoned hiker but for anyone looking to add a sense of accomplishment to their lives by walking in nature. With the flexibility to start anytime, the 52 Hike Challenge aligns perfectly with any New Year’s resolution or spontaneous decision to embrace the outdoors. It’s about making consistent efforts to disconnect from the digital world, immerse yourself in the mental and physical wellness that nature offers, and ultimately, celebrate the milestones along your hiking journey.

So, are you ready to lace up your hiking boots, hit new trails, and see what the next 52 weeks bring? Remember, it’s not just about the hikes you complete but the experiences you gather, the friends you make, and the happy hiking memories you create along the way. Let the 52 Hike Challenge be your gateway to a year filled with adventure, well-being, and the undeniable joy of discovering the natural world. Happy hiking!

About Us

Mike & Sara began RV camping in 2020 and instantly loved the lifestyle. We found the thrill of exploring new places, breaking our vacation routine, and crossing off all those “one-day” trips a blast! At Our Campfire Unplugged, we enjoy sharing our experiences to help fellow travelers live their best lives.
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